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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Conga....Wisconsin stuff!

Post #302693 by congatiki on 04/29/2007

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congatiki posted on 04/29/2007

Thanks friends (geeze, starting to sound like Nancy Grace) your support is always encouraging.
I am rethinking the "progress post" concept as a result of discussions on another thread,
but what the heck, they do allow for some ego gratification and communication among fellow
Since my finished pieces have admittedly fallen deep into the murky soup of too many
progress pics...I am posting a compendium of the past year's chizzlin', the post CoonTiki post
if you will.

I would like to add that with the likes of Benzart, GMan, JohnnyP, Lakesurfer, Paipo, Tama, the
German guys, Babalu, Basement, 4WD, AlohaStation, Marcus, Finky, all the Coontiki alumni,
and many many more, the future of tiki carving is alive and well in this forum. I am proud to be
a small part of it. Carve on my friends...you beginners too!

[ Edited by: congatiki 2007-04-29 13:33 ]