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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Conga....Wisconsin stuff!

Post #302955 by Babalu on 04/30/2007

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Babalu posted on 04/30/2007


Shameless vanity nothing man, these works are simply amazing!

It's really very cool to see your work grouped up like this. I think that it's a wonderful idea to show a collective. I know that it takes time for an artist to do this, but I wished that some of the other carvers that are around here on TC would do the same. There is just an amazing amount of very cool finished work that is floating in what seems like countless threads. It is very hard to find the time to go through it all...I fear I have barely scratched the surface of all these posts.

I sure hope that you won’t give up on the regular posting of your progress. I've learned a great deal by cruising through past posts of yours and many others in order to learn what steps are needed to take a hunk of wood to a final carving.

Not long ago I found a few sections of palm on the side of the road and made my mind up to give tiki carving a go (this had been in the fish bowl for a long time)…I had never worked in wood before in my life…I found TC…What made me stop in was the title to this carving area “Tiki Carving – How to topics for tiki carving”.

I have seen the postings to which you are referring…

One of the things that I have learned over the years of being an artist is that your art is a personal extension of yourself, and this art is something that can’t be bottled up…it needs to be shared. So in essence, the artist opens him or her self up to the world for critique. The artist is bound to get positive and negative reaction to the work…this is natural. The positive feels wonderful…it helps to build one’s self and tends to act as a motivational tool to continue the plight. What takes time for the artist to learn is to leather up to is the negative critiques…this is a must do for all artists, for it is through the negative reactions that we learn. The artist can only hope that if a negative reaction is handed over to them, that the giver of this negative comment also has the abilities to describe what they would do in order to change the work to their liking. If they cannot, then the artist needs to learn to brush it off and move on to the next work. Artists pull their ideas from the world around them, and needs to be continually asking questions…for if one stops asking questions about art, or anything else for that matter, it seems to me, that the question of our children and their futures are a mute point.

I am much honored that you would include me in the above line up of carvers, but I feel that I really need to get a several good carvings under my belt before I could even think to be listed along side of these wonderful carvers (all are masters to me). I have some dues to pay…I am a novice wood worker at best right now as I am still very inexperienced with wood as a medium.

Keep on carving brother! You are inspiration to many.

