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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / First Authentic Mai Tai

Post #316272 by The Gnomon on Mon, Jul 2, 2007 10:50 AM

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I'm a little surprised to not have found a thread on this by doing a search for first mai tai, first true mai tai, first real mai tai, etc.

This is about recalling and recounting your first experience of a true Mai Tai. Let's define the Mai Tai as one that Victor Jules Bergeron, Jr. would most likely accept as being authentic enough if he were to have sampled it himself.

Maybe you were served one by The Trader when he was in his prime. Maybe you had one at Trader Vic's while VJB,Jr was still in charge of quality control. Maybe you had one at another establishment famous for making Mai Tais true to form. Maybe you never had such an opportunity, but after considerable research and the acquisition of all the necessary ingredients, to the best of your knowledge, you made one yourself.

If it is a true Mai Tai, then there is a kind of magic about it, so your first experience should be rather interesting and memorable.