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Tiki Central / Tiki Music / Squid Gigs in July with Aaron Stroessner Trio

Post #316749 by squid on Wed, Jul 4, 2007 8:58 PM

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squid posted on Wed, Jul 4, 2007 8:58 PM

OK it may not be "tiki music" but Squid is tiki and it's music!

Every Friday and Saturday in July (Except the 21st when I'll be at the Tiki Bash)
with the Aaron Stroessner Trio.
6:30PM til 9:30PM.

Straight-ahead jazz and standards. Plus some awesome Italian food.

Milano's Italian Cuisine
21550 Oxnard St.
Woodland Hills, Ca 91367
(818) 340-8400


Aaron Stroessner: Guitar, Joel Druckman: Upright Bass, Dave (Squid) Cohen: Drums

Calzone the size of your noggin.

Y'all come out now. Kirby, Polly and Grog did.