Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
Post #317032 by Cammo on Fri, Jul 6, 2007 2:30 PM
Fri, Jul 6, 2007 2:30 PM
Buzzy has a point. Why isn't the head chef at Fillipi's Pizza Grotto 'The Chosen One'? - - He's covered in garlic, knows which side of a knife is sharp, wears a cross at all times, and bosses people around all day. He's the Vampire Army's worst enemy. But he's also got the greatest job in town, so maybe they already asked him and he turned it down. Hey Buzzy - ever used Polyshades for finishing? It's stain & polyurethane mixed, and they have some pretty nice colors happening. You could do some under-staining in the nooks, then just finish off with PShades. Their 'Pecan' is a nice warm light color, and they have this deep 'Bombay Mahogany' that's a real Buzzy type color. Congrats on the new style, you're gonna have to start charging more than $35.00 per tiki now. You using one of those dentist drills for this stuff? Finish these choice choppings off with Polyshades, knock 'em around a bit, tell people they were hand carved in Bora Vatuna, and dude you could BUY an island, call it Bora Vatuna and retire in true Buzzed style. [ Edited by: Cammo 2007-07-06 17:26 ] |