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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Paipo's Stone Tikis - 1st Thread - Jun 06 - May 08

Post #318077 by Paipo on 07/12/2007

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Paipo posted on 07/12/2007

Thanks Ben - the wait is over! This took way longer than I planned for. I think you probably could have carved this quicker than I did! :lol:
I'm a little rusty on the jade carving these days, and I'm also really fussy with my finishing when it comes to the green stuff. So, I went back not once but twice with the toolz to clean up a couple of little spots that no-one else would probably have noticed. Lots of hand-sanding on this piece too. LOTS! Did I mention the rubbing sticks?
Anyway, I'm pretty happy with what I think is my first substantial/decent jade carving of the year? First tiki related one at least!

Beautiful gold vein through the middle of the blade:

Failing light - this pic sucks but shows the cord all done:

Now I just gotta make a full sized version!