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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Paipo's Stone Tikis - 1st Thread - Jun 06 - May 08

Post #318089 by Benzart on 07/12/2007

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Benzart posted on 07/12/2007

Excellent piece Paipo, and Yes I may have been able to carve it faster but so could you have. If you had worked on it more on a daily basis, it would have been done long ago. I can understand the Instant gratification of carving the greywacke (sp?)as opposed to the green stuff but the beauty is so Astounding and it Really MUST Pull at your heart strings, beckoning you to carve more green, More green, More green, more green. What it boils down to is that no matter what the medium, a Paipo piece is a Paipo peice and we Know it will be beautiful, Well Detailed and exceptional among it's peers. Happy Happy Happy