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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Paipo's Stone Tikis - 1st Thread - Jun 06 - May 08

Post #318102 by Paipo on 07/12/2007

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Paipo posted on 07/12/2007

Thanks Jen...the finish really came together on this stone. I was surprised with the consistency, cause it didn't look all that great before I started sanding. All stones are tactile (to me anyway!), but the green stuff has a special feel that no others come close to.

Tama...must have been all that time I spent in your workshop while you were sleeping/purging - soaking up the vibes! I'm not feeling cocky enough to tackle a full tiki just yet though. This piece made me remember how much time it takes to tidy all the detailing on jade, and I would rate this specimen as a soft and easy stone compared to the stuff you regularly use. No need for sandblasting either - the stone came up perfect matt/satin straight off the #600 wet 'n' dry. 90% hand sanded, and a little work with the sticks to get into the nooks and crannies that a folded or rolled abrasive wouldn't reach.
It's a bit of a dilemma...the jade takes a lot more work than the beach stones, but has the innate beauty/mana...yet the pebbles allow an almost unlimited expression of wild ideas and detail. There's got to be a middle ground somewhere!

Birdman, this is a pretty big and manly piece - I think it would look fine nestled in that rug :lol:
Thanks for stopping in - looks like you may be another of the many TCers who share a love for Tiki and comics?

Benz, there were a couple of little mistakes I made that cost me some time, but in general I am just a pretty damn slow jade carver! The stuff will suck up all your time if you let it. Which I do.
I think the pebbles will remain the focus of my attention for a while, at least for more character driven pieces. While I too love the "greenness" of jade, I was actually drawn to the beach stone because of its neutrality - each pebble is a little blank canvas that holds endless possibilities.
That said, there will be more green goodness on the way...this particular rock has plenty more carving in it. A good supply of reliable stone always helps!