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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Paipo's Stone Tikis - 1st Thread - Jun 06 - May 08

Post #318657 by Paipo on 07/14/2007

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Paipo posted on 07/14/2007

Dick Dale, Motley Crue, QOTSA, Megadeth - Yes! The others I have never really listened to - they are possibly before or after my time? I listen to a lot of metal, rock and punk because the energy levels help maintain my enthusiasm through a long day of carving. The mellower stuff has its place too though...at certain times this week you could have heard the gentle strains of some Arthur Lyman or some Hawaiian tunes drifting from the Paipo studio.
Yesterday it was a couple of early Ozzy albums to get me through the last stages of the Orongo amulet. Another piece that started off as what I thought would be an easy carve, but ate up plenty more time. I added a quartz pebble "egg" to represent the spoils of the birdman challenge, and the now-almost-ubiquitous pebble necklace. I really had to scrounge to make this one - the beach I get these little stones from has been stripped back to sand by some big winter swells.
Speaking of which, I've had a few sessions out at the local breakwall this week and the frigidity of the water is unbelievable! Icy offshores every day from dawn til dusk though, and plenty of swell, with one or two others out at the most. Gotta love winter!

Edited for better pics:

[ Edited by: Paipo 2007-07-15 18:33 ]