Tiki Central / California Events / Exhaustion after the Big Chop at Oasis VII
Post #323693 by Cammo on Mon, Aug 6, 2007 8:58 PM
Mon, Aug 6, 2007 8:58 PM
Raymond - There ain't no rules, bro. I'd bring a log you've already started, or at least drawn out. You can chop at our place anytime from Friday - Sunday. Log length? Start chopping and when it's finished, STOP! Why not just bring over the one you're working on at your booth and chop at our place for a while, then take it back? I'm planning on doing a small (2 foot) mask on a halfsy log, and keep it real simple. Will have it drawn out but not worked on until I get there. Plan to chop it, stain it and finish it in three days flat. LETS GO! I HAD IT WITH THE BLABBERING! LETS CHOP!!!!! |