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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

Post #326701 by Tiki Shark Art on Mon, Aug 20, 2007 11:48 AM

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Aloha TC!
Sam!~ So glad you like it! Coming from you, it's always extra meaningful cause I like your work so much! Thanks! Yeah, I dig the 'creepy factor' the star fish brings in. too!
Tikifool~ Thanks my friend! Yes, it could have been way unbalanced, true! I mean, I was hoping everything would work. I'm surprised how much the orange slice jumps, wow. And how the tiki is not the focus, but is a large piece, that sort of falls in to the back ground (compared to the birght things in the canvas), but still is lots of detail for the eye to run over. I think I remember reading how the eye is attracted to two kinds of things. 1, bright things, and 2, things with lots of details.
LLT~ Thanks jedi tiki master! Yeah, I reeeeally worked on that orange yesterday. I knew it had to look correct, cause everyone here sure knows what tropical drink garnish looks like - having seen enough! The art show Nov 2 in San Diego! Yeah, I hope to have at least one big original there for sale. Same size as this one, plus some smaller pieces. I think I have a an idea for it... What's going to be so great is showing next to your work!!! I think it's our first big group Tiki Art show together!
FrostikiWow, thanks! Okay...
How To Paint Like Tiki Shark Art Lesson Number One: Buy overly priced art supplies at the only art store on your side of the island, then stare at the blank canvas till you become completely psyched out about painting in the first place, finally, log onto Tiki Cnetral and let the warm, loving, rum soaked mojo from the Tiki Centralites sooth your psyche and fuel your creativity!
So glad ya love da mug! I saved it for last hoping I'd learn more about how to render as I went. I knew it had to pop. I wanted it to havea bit of a "coming out of the canvas" feel to it, ya know like she's offering to the viewer. It sort of does, in the right light. Kind a.

So, it's done! (I think) I was working on it last night, saw like six more things I could do to it, but this little voice chirped in the back of my head..."It's done! Move on ti the next one."

"Mystic Tiki Number 11: The Moon of Manakoora"
24" x 30" Acrylic on Canvas

Left side detail...

Right side detail.

Okay, so today it goes up north to Honu editions for proper photographing...

Hope everyone survived Tiki Oasis! (And, everyone nursing a hang over at work today) Thanks for watching the long slow process of this painting. Hope the next one goes faster! and I sure couldn't have gotten through it without all the suport and kind words I found here on Tiki Central!

Big Big BIG Mahalo from the Big Island!

Tiki Shark


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-08-20 11:51 ]