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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / tiki #3

Post #326830 by BUFFBAD on Mon, Aug 20, 2007 5:33 PM

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Well, Here I am again. Tiki #3 is finished and basking by the pool. This one took a little longer to carve and finish. I used a real dark stain and then sanded after it dried to bring out the grain and lighten the color a bit. Thanks to Kaha ki'i from Laguna Beach for the encouraging words and yes Tiki #3 is going to lead to #4 cause the wood is on the driveway drying out. I wish the neighbors would stop cutting down palm trees and putting them out for trash/landfill pick-up. I am getting lots of ideas from the forums so thanks for your posts and pics. KEEP YOUR CHISELS SHARP AND BANDAIDS CLOSE ! BUFF

Update on tiki #3 showing eyes with more highlighting done after several appreciated suggestions from fellow posters. Also Tiki #4 shown along side.

[ Edited by: BUFFBAD 2007-10-12 12:09 ]