Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / How Do You "Fix" A Rotted Tiki Bottom?
Post #332334 by Tiki Lee's on Thu, Sep 13, 2007 4:10 PM
Tiki Lee's
Thu, Sep 13, 2007 4:10 PM
O.K., it took me two weeks, but here's a few shots of the bottom in question:
All of your suggestions have been great. And now that my wrist is about back to normal (I sprained it when I unloaded it from my truck), I might bribe my neighbor to come over and help me to lay this guy down on the ground so I can start "rebuilding". I think rebar and the rock-hardest resin will do the trick. I want it to be able to stand on it's own with just a few "L" brackets in the base to keep it from being "bumped". You can see where one used to be if you look close on the right side. Apparantly, this guy was on a concrete slab with a fat 8" long pole up the center to prevent lateral movement, and secured to the slab with four "L" brackets. And, oddly enough, this guy actually still stands up on his own. There is JUST enough wood in the center to keep him upright. However, the slightest nudge will send him toppling over. I have him leaning against a cinder block wall right now, and he's standing quite solidly. By the way, can anyone identify the wood? It might help to identify this big boy's age and birthplace. Mahaloz! [ Edited by: Tiki Lee's 2007-09-13 16:19 ] |