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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Bowana's Other Crafts

Post #333055 by Bowana on Mon, Sep 17, 2007 8:30 PM

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Marcus: Thanks for visiting, mate!

Paipo: Thanks for the stone info. I figured it would probably be you with the answer. I'll set aside a Gillman for ya and give it to you at Tiki Oasis 9!

4WD: Sure, I can fix your truck. I'll need an extremely heavy sledge hammer. That, and a protractor ought to do the trick.

Clarita: Gracias como siempre, amiga!

Babalu: Thanks for the use of your kiln, and for posting the lanterns picture. Saved me from having to do it. Nah, that's okay that you linked my site. It needs updating, one photo in particular.

Benz: Where'd I learn to do that? Well, I do have to give a lot of credit to my mentors. They were extremely hard on me. A lot of ersatz apprentices would come through there with visions of grandeur but when it came right down to it, they didn't really want to work. My mentors kicked my ass every day just to make sure I was not going to waste their time too when they were paying me to learn while I sculpted for them. My sculptures were literally torn apart in front of me during critiques. It got to a point to where I developed a serious thick skin, and had a huge chip on my shoulder. I was determined to make the best friggin' sculptures they'd ever seen, whether it was an Indian figurine or a Winnie the Pooh lamp.

I would say then that it was the willingness and tenacity of both parties that brought my skill level up. (Even though I wanted to quit oh so many times)

That was years ago now, but to this day I am still in touch with my mean ol' mentors and consider them among my dearest friends. Oh, and they still hire apprentices if anyone is interested. (I'm serious)

Buzzy: I hate you , you bastard!