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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / It's a rum life

Post #333138 by BastardoSaffrin on Tue, Sep 18, 2007 9:56 AM

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On 2003-11-08 00:25, Traitor Vic wrote:
If they have Havana Club they are illegal and should be reported. As much as we may hate being cut off from one of the greatest rums in in world, shouldn't we be more ashamed of letting someone make a profit by breaking such and obvious law? Do they also sell a bottle called "a Fifth of Mexican Grass Cutters?" I hear that's pretty good too.

Well, maybe they're not breaking any law since the store mentioned by Kon-Hemsby is in England, and that laws apply only in U.S. Here, in Spain, you can buy Havana Club in any supermarket, and it's legal.

Hum, and a daiquiri with a Havana Club 3 years is just great.