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Tiki Central / California Events / ***Tonga Hut Art Show! Sat. Sept. 29th! Save the Date!****

Post #334238 by GROG on Sat, Sep 22, 2007 12:43 PM

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GROG posted on Sat, Sep 22, 2007 12:43 PM

For any of you who have forgotten to mark your calendars, the Tonga Hut art show is NEXT weekend, September 29.

GROG still waiting for Jeff BigTikiDude to post his requesite " Sorry I can't make it because I will be at (insert surf band name here)."

Artists who will NOT have art at the show include:

Tiki Tony-- Wife's birthday, so they're out doing birthday stuff.
SHAG----Apparently his popularity is fading.
Miles Thompson----has a show at Laluz de Jesus.
Rembrandt----he's dead.
Kirby---he's concentrating on making money to buy a house,
so he's not doing any art right now.
Tyger Jimmy--awaiting charges connected with OJ Simpson.
GROG--- Lazy S.O.B. hardly does any artwork outside of his animation job.
Ken Ruzic---Too busy photoshopping fliers/jokes for the art show and
designing wall paper.
Squid---Went to France to practice his French kissing.
Brad Tiki Shark---Bastard moved to Hawaii.
Chongolio-------Bastard moved to Hawaii.
Tom"Thor"Thordarsen--Bastard moved to Hawaii.

But, be sure and come see the artists who ARE in the show and have some tasty drink beverages with DJ Lee playing the jams.

[ Edited by: GROG 2007-09-22 12:44 ]