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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Post #336024 by Bay Park Buzzy on Tue, Oct 2, 2007 10:48 AM

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Yesterday's sunset:

Sorry Cammo...Your prize was going to be easy-Trash day at the House of Buzz! Free pickens. Who's next? Cause I hope you win!

On 2007-10-01 16:37, Tornhalo wrote:
Have I won yet? Where is my mug?I went fishing on Hatteras Island over the weekend, and don't know what's going on. Who's winning the argument over whatever is being argued about now?

As`well as being laugh out loud funny, this post pretty much sums up the last 80 pages of my thread. It's been pretty quiet here lately, as I think everyone is on pins and needles over this whole contest thing. We'll need a new argument soon. Any suggestions, targets?

Babalu: It's those two trees with the water behind them on the far left. When the whole sun sets on the water-WINNER! Your chances are still looking good

Bowana: You're too late, but your choice sucks and you'll lose anyway, so welcome aboard! Maybe it will be cloudy for three weeks...What are you going to carve next, because I'm going to carve that too. It's not who starts it first, it's the finished one that counts. I was thinking about carving a tiki guitar...

Tiki-Kate: You are too late also, but since you are technically my best friend and have that fact in writing, your late losing entry is now official. Congats-hope for clouds...

GMAN: You can pick whatever you want as your prize...MY coco monkeys are much better than that one in the picture though. I get mine done by a coco monkey "Master Carver." He can even make cocomamas and Pirate Coco Heads. Now thatz Mad carving Skillz!!!

GRIZZ: Want to borrow my time machine. I just got back from the 50's, where I was busy inspiring the start of the WITCO company. I'm not going to use it again until I draw up a mug design and give it Ren Clark later this month, so if you want, you can borrow it and go back and change your date.

This has been my domain for the last several hours

Late night am talk radio and sanding, what a life I live

When I got totally crazy from sanding too long, I split this log

I'm going to make a bunch of faces on half logs with these. Since I just invented the Witco style, I think I'll make all these faces on logs a tribute to my witco style. So, I guess I'm actually copying myself now.

I also got a very nice load of small ficus logs

and I've been getting those ready too

So yesterday, a new tree guy called me about some logs. He was taking down 4 60' Mexi fans palms and they all had mostly cleaned stumps. I went to look at them, and found them to be of very high carving quality. I looked for smaller logs, because I have a ton of large logs right now. I eyed out four 6'small logs and loaded them into the truck. When I got home, i noticed that the logs were all at least as large as my older, thick logs, and three were actually larger than most of what I have on hand. It's funny how small a log looks when it's in a whole pile of other logs, and how much bigger it actually is when you are trying to pull them out of your truck by yourself. I guess I could just split them and make a bunch more faces on logs that I call tikis. Now that I'm doing my own witco designs, I should move through the wood pretty fast. Let 'er rip!

Buzzy Out!