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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Traderbob's carvings, new stuff, june 17

Post #352555 by Traderbob on Wed, Jan 2, 2008 3:44 PM

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Happy new year TC!

I'm still kinda in the progress of moving, but over the holidays I found some time to carve and thought I'd post some new photos.

Sorry in advance, the photos could be better and also, my exotica records for the background are still in the container on their way to germany. Hope Sandy Warner is not catching a cold :wink:

The pineapple tiki is almost finished, it just needs to be sanded and stained. I think I'm going to stain it in a darker color, like the moai below.

When I arrived in Germany I wanted to start carving immediatley but had no time to look for wood, so I got a piece of fir from a home depot kind of store. Turned out to be not the best choice, at least for the smaller size tikis, because it crumbles easily on the details (the eyelids in my case). Even though I like this tiki a lot, I might not finish it, since the eyes are a bit messed up. I'll have to do another one with wood for sure.

Then I carved this moai while staying at my parents house over xmas, it's made of cottonwood. I drilled a hole through it to use it as a lamp. Currently I only have some cheap parts from ikea, but I am planning to make my own shade and get rid of the base plate and lower the shade.

I also bought another cheap lamp at ikea which I started to "tikify" today =)

I hope you enjoy the photos.

Oh and does anyone have a good source in Germany or Europe for tiki/hawaiian/bamboo... fabric ? I found some online stores in the US, but it would be cheaper to buy it over here. I also thought about figuring out how to get my own patterns on the fabric, if anyone has done that before, I'd appreciate some hints.

