Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Best Blender
Post #355299 by Chip and Andy on Wed, Jan 16, 2008 12:14 PM
Chip and Andy
Wed, Jan 16, 2008 12:14 PM
Good question and one that is going to probably pull a lot of conversation from a lot of different fronts.... Here is the 'general' rule for ice..... Cube Ice (typical ice maker size) goes in your glass for anything 'on the rocks.' Cracked ice (exactly like it sounds) goes in your shaker, unless the recipe says differently. Crushed Ice goes in your shaker or you glass, or both, for most recipes unless the recipe says differently. Shaved Ice is only used if the recipe calls for it. Those are the 'general rules.' Specific instructions in your recipe should be followed as close as possible. Then, to the question of Cracked - vs - crushed - vs - shaved..... Cracked ice is exactly that, ice cubes that have been cracked in to smaller bits. Cracked ice is different sizes from tiny chips to something as large as 3/4 of the original cube size. Crushed ice is small chips of ice that are all generally of the same size. I can't think of a reasonable example that everyone will identify with, so I will just say that small chips that are all about the same size. Shaved ice is exactly that, an ice cube that has been shaved. This is typically what you would make a Sno-Cone/Hawaiian Shaved Ice with. This would be something like snow, thus a Sno-Cone. And, once agian around to your question as to what to put in the blender/shaker/glass.... If the recipe says Blend with measure/scoop of ice, you generally want to use cracked or crushed ice. Which leads back to the original question, how to get a decent crushed ice for your drink...... |