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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Lookie what I got last night!

Post #355427 by Basement Kahuna on Wed, Jan 16, 2008 8:07 PM

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On 2008-01-10 08:01, JanetMermaid wrote:
But I'm going for an overall Polynesian theme.

..Well, I hate to break it to you, but Big Bro is spot on, and although you seem like a very nice lady just decorating your house, those are no good unless you're going for an overall "Indonesian sweatshop carver" theme. These are about the least Polynesian influenced thing I've seen cross these environs yet, and around here and elsewhere lately, as far as the hordes of what's being badly and sadly mis-labeled "Tiki", that's saying a lot. I would suggest a field trip to the Mai Kai. Or Trader Vic's. Or Hala Kahiki. Or Shangri La. Or Forbidden Island. Or any of the myriad of true to form tiki temples we still have left. Or better yet, buy the Book Of Tiki. All the basics of the mission are in there. Not so much a hobby, only parts. A state of mind and a lifestyle. Not expensive at all, but you have to be resourceful. Now-speaking less about these little masks that I'm sure were bought with good intentions..and more about a far deeper problem around here I percieve after being here for years and years-We need a whole lot less of this utter, wholesale "everything is tiki" mongrelization and dilution of what once was a clear-cut, beautiful thing (namely vintage Polynesian Pop/Tiki culture, creation, research, and preservation-the entire mission here) masquerading as "open-mindedness" and "inclusive spirit". What a load of bowl-clogging crap. What a good time in Rome until the Vandals arrived, burned the place, and co-opted the culture.. Tiki was born in Polynesia. No if's, and's, or but's.