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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / tok-tok, German tiki thing. News + pics on pg. 7+8

Post #359993 by tok-tok on Fri, Feb 8, 2008 12:55 AM

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Mahalo guys,
JohnnyP: Thank you , I am really trying to get better with every new piece. Usually the ideas are condending with me and I am condending with the wood. Mostly I win somehow.

seeksurf: Now won´t you stop swearing? :P Seriously, thank you, too. I am always willing to try something new, testing new shapes or rebuild old ones. I try to get some more symmetry in the new one but I still love to start them with only a ruff sketch on the wood or only in mind as well.

benella: Thanks, the wood must have been for the bigtoe and the marquesan, I am not sure about the other.

In the meantime I am through with the new carvings. And I managed to carve a new one too. I call it "The Pineapple". Ready to see some pictures?

It was not ready when I took the pictures, by now the head is affixed to the background.

Here are some pics of the ready-sanded, -stained and -sealed Kane.

For the Marquesan I used some red stain and fluid wax to polish it.

The form of the ears I researched from some books about southsea-art.

Finally here are the pic of the "BIGTOE". This one is for a friend.

Let me know, what you think about these.