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Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki Caliente May 9th-May 11th 2008 in Palm Springs

Post #360203 by Swamp Fire on Sat, Feb 9, 2008 8:29 AM

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After it flooded, the whole place was filled in with dirt. Now THAT would be an archeological dig. The stairs down to it are behind the wall on the right, in the hallway between what used to be Sambo's (now the Mexican Restaurant) and the Reef Bar. It's a closet now, go and look in it, you see the access.

Now Doug, I am really curious if there is anything left of the Blythe Tropics, you might just encounter tropic blight. It used to be pretty nice, also had an A-frame porte cochere and a Sambo's:

Some great info Sven, I'll definitely check it out next time I'm at the Tropics. It'll be tough to resist the urge to start digging.

If anyone is going thru Blythe below is the address for the Tropics.
I'll be going thru town on the 21st to check it out.
Why do I get the feeling we will find a Walgreens in it's place.