Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / Tiki Lee's Selling At The San Diego Swap Meet Saturday, March 1st!
Post #362824 by Tiki Lee's on Thu, Feb 21, 2008 10:57 PM
Tiki Lee's
Thu, Feb 21, 2008 10:57 PM
...and I'm bringing a whole bunch o' neat stuff to sell! Tiki's, Pin-Ups, Records, Casino, Antiques, and more! I'm liquidating one of my spaces at the Charleston Antique Mall, so I'll have lots of cool junk for low low prices! Please P.M. me & let me know if you want me to bring anything I carry that you want to buy and I'll make sure it comes with me. I'll add a few fotos tomorrow so you can pick stuff out. I may even bust out a log and carve another tiki like last year. It'll be at Jack Murphy/Verizon Stadium Parking lot from early morning 'till dusk. Stop By for a visit! [ Edited by: Tiki Lee's 2008-02-21 23:03 ] |