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Tiki Central / General Tiki / London tiki archaeology

Post #3663 by Trader Woody on Fri, Jul 12, 2002 1:04 PM

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The Beachcomber article is in Tiki News #15, by Jay Strongman. (He's not the person who told you about it is he? I know he's a major player in the Club M scene).

Basically, the bar kicked off in 1960 and soon became a hit with the Hollywood on vacation crowd....Sammy Davis Jr (of course), Marlon Brando, Bob Hope, Henry Mancini, Cary Grant.....you know the type.

There was indeed a big pool with a thunderstorm, and it was stocked with terrapins & crocodiles!! They used to swap the crocs at London Zoo if they got too big.

Live bands played, with the house band being Bosko Holder and His Hawaiians. I've got an album myself of Bryan Smith & the New Hawaiians from 1978 which is bloody awful, and it features a very blurry photo of the Beachcomber (I think it's of the edge of the pool, but who knows?).

There was also a bed in the Castaway's corner which supposedly got a lot of action as well as a parrot that had been taught to say 'F*ck off'. Not Disneyland then.

Trader Woody