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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Growing mint

Post #370584 by I dream of tiki on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 9:45 PM

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This thread deserves a bump.

Having just been to the store to buy a mint plant, I noticed what Home Depot called a "mint" mint (didn't catch the species) has a very different look than peppermint (mentha peperita). Neither of which seems to be what stores and bars are selling down here in FL (I really want to guess that retail variety is spearmint, aka. Mentha spicata, but don't have enough facts). Anyone favor a specific type of grown mint for drinks over the other types?

I bough both with the hopes of a taste test later on in the growing process. Got to find a spearmint now.

Just for fun (but way off topic), here's a link for all sort of Mint growing facts and some historic fun stuff. Yeah, its gears toward Houston, but the rest is still valid for us newbie green-thumbers.

NOTE: Edited to add genus & species of mint plants.

[ Edited by: I dream of tiki 2008-04-01 06:30 ]