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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Tools of the Trade

Post #376096 by Tamapoutini on 04/25/2008

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Tamapoutini posted on 04/25/2008

On 2008-04-25 03:33, pawel wrote:
Hi there, found this site 2 minutes before I headed out to work, I wanted to post this so I could see if I get any replies when I come back home..

----Big Pav

Let me be the first..

Kia ora Pawel/Pav - welcome to TC!

At this time of the morning you'll only bump into a few strays on the wrong side of the world or perhaps one of the US ohana stumbling in VERY early/late, but until one of them wakes or sobers enough to help you: you might want to take a tour of the 'Carving' and 'Other Crafts' threads for inspiration. or any of the other catagories for that matter; there is a lot to see..

It sounds as though you're destined to become a woodcarver which unfortunately isnt my field of expertise - but you are in good company & Im sure BenZ or GMan or one of the other wood-meisters (sorry Masters..) can point you in the right direction.

*By the way, we've seen the beginning-est of the beginning-est and always offer encouragement - so no matter how amatuerish or nervous you may feel, suck it up and have a go! No excuses!(you'll probably blow us all away on your first attempt now.. :lol: )
You'll get best support if you attempt the Classics (Lono, Ku, Tangaroa, etc) but creativity and personal flair receive bonus points too!

I guess its up to you now - grab a log and something to attack it with, shut your eyes & listen for the Tiki-beat..

Best of luck!

Tama :)