Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Tools of the Trade
Post #376375 by Tikilizard on 04/26/2008
Hey Pawel, glad to see another newbee, like myself, getting into carving. I also do the medium to small stuff and I will post my pic's tomorrow of my tools I use. My tools are wood cavring chisels, just ten of them, and I'll get you the sizes and manufacturer. Another wood tool called a drawblade for turning square blocks into round ones plus a wood mallet. A set of medium rasps and my only power tool is a Dremmel 400 SRX(?) with a flex shaft. Allows me to clean out those little nooks and crannies. Sand paper is always a help on anything but palm. I have only carved 6 Tiki's and 1 mask so hopefully we can compare notes as we go along. I did find that carving with the grain is best unless you have a very sharp blade and that bass wood is a nice starter wood. Basswood has a fine graing and is softer and lighter then hard woods. Post tomorrow since it's now 03:30am. [ Edited by: Tikilizard 2008-04-26 10:55 ] |