Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Tools of the Trade
Post #376524 by Tikilizard on 04/27/2008
Hey Pawel, I have used a set of carpenters chisels for wood carving but it was rough going in the fine detail department but you can do it. Have a list of tools I use for wood carving and ran me under $80.00 total. They are Henry Taylor Tools: 1/4" #9 gouge, 1/4" skew, 3/8" #3 gouge, 3/8" V-parting tool, 1/2" #5 #7 #9 gouge, 1/2" Straight chisel, 3/4" straight chisel, 1 1/4" #3 gouge. The #tells you how much of a curve is on the chisels blade. The larger the number the more angle. A skew is an angled chisel. The V-parting tool is a V shape for lines etc. Also is a wood mallet, surgical black sharpening stone and a 7" draw knife. Henry Taylor Tools aren't the best, not expensive, but keep the edge. I did have to put each one into service before I could use them and you do have to sharpen them before every carve (or maybe that's just me). A small starter set is all you need to get started. The draw knife is an antique but I put it back into service also. I would suggest staying away from Lowes, Home Depot and art supply for "carving" chisels as they run $$$. Hope this help. |