Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Tools of the Trade
Post #376633 by tikimecula on 04/28/2008
Lizard, if you got all 10 of those Henry Taylors for under $80. You did damn good. Henry Taylor's are actually one of the best you can buy and they are a lot more expensive than the Home Depo, Lowe's chisels. You should check the "New Prices" of what you have in that picture. Pawel, Don't go out and spend a bunch of money on expensive chisels, Get some chepo's from HD or Lowes and give it a try. If you don't like what they have look into Flexcut chisels. they are really good also, and not bad on the price for what you get. Also read the thread Ben talked about. http://www.Woodcraft.com |