Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Tools of the Trade
Post #376668 by Tikilizard on 04/28/2008
Tikimecula is very right you can carve alot with the standard carpenders chisels and see if you like it. This is my first tiki I ever carved with that one florescent orange chisel and a reg. hammer, about 3yrs ago, and has been in my front yard in S. Florida ever since. It wasn't tall enough so I carved a base with a no hurricane sign and palm trees on each side. What I was trying to say is start with a few chisels and then work your way up with only the ones you need (my wife gets mad when I buy more tools....lol). I have been carving for about 4yrs. (not all tiki's) and I am just up to 10 semi-nice chisels from ebay. If you do like it then look for a carvers starting set at the places Tikimecula list. Or eBay but you never know just what you will get. There is also a wood carvers magazine with articles on what to start with.... I'll see if I can find it for you. Get your log yet? |