Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Tools of the Trade
Post #378708 by Tikilizard on 05/07/2008
Tikitonga, I'll get the full article to you ASAP. As far as carving wood goes, basswood is soft, light, holds detail, and makes a good starter wood. Palm is also soft and easy to carve, makes a great tiki, but you will not get alot of fine detail from the grain. Pine is also a soft wood, easy to carve but has knots which is not a bad thing. Many tiki carvers use the knots in thier designs. In South Florida I only have a choice between pine and palm for gathering so I usually get my wood from online suppliers or ebay. Shipping cost is what really hurts so I keep those under three feet. I am not sure if the type of wood really matters as tiki is more cultural, design and state of mind. Just grab a log and start carving. [ Edited by: Tikilizard 2008-05-07 09:13 ] |