Tiki Central / Tiki Travel / Affordable, Intimate Wedding in Hawaii Suggestions
Post #378976 by catmomma on Thu, May 8, 2008 7:34 AM
Thu, May 8, 2008 7:34 AM
in 2004 my husband and I renewed our vows on the beach in Kauai. For $50 more it would have been a wedding (liscense). $600 included photos, officiant, music (he sang beautifully and blew a conch shell), a audio tape of the ceremony, leis, and a chanpagne toast. It was AWESOME! you can see a couple of pictures from our renewal here: http://amazon.webwizards.net/Hawaii04/Hawaii04-2.html It looks like the link to our coordinator is not working but I have her phone number around here somewhere. PM me if you want it. Also from what I saw when I was shopping around her packages were pretty similar to what others were offering. |