Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Ebay : Please have a look see....
Post #38310 by SugarCaddyDaddy on Tue, Jun 10, 2003 12:51 PM
Tue, Jun 10, 2003 12:51 PM
If I may add my 2 coconuts worth... ~I believe most Shag collectors have become immune to "Shag style" and pass over those headings. ~I believe you mean K-I-T-S-C-H. As in "kitschy", cool, fab, etc.. The spelling you have (kitch) is used on ebay for abbreviating 'kitchen' (other than a lava lamp seller that keeps mispelling the word). Check it on ebay. ~Personally, I would be drawn more to a highly detailed plaster that looks more like a wood carving. I would try to work on trying to make my brushstrokes come out so that a person visiting my house would have to really study and/or touch the tiki to see if it was really wood or not. I have seen artists paint poles simulating bamboo so well that I did have to go right up to it to see if it was real. If you see some of our fellow TC'ers bar setups, try to imagine a bright green or blue tiki in it. Most of the TC'ers probably wouldn't add one to their wall since it would not go with most of the decor (too bright). These would be good in a brightly decorated tiki bathroom, but as you may notice in reading the posts throughout TC, most of us have only one area designated as our 'tiki area', and it usually doesn't include the bathroom. ~I would try listing it as a "Tiki Wall Hanging". I would bet that you would receive more hits on your page than 'shag' or 'retro'. Curious tiki buyers would click on it just to make sure they aren't passing up something good. Of course in the end, the buyer would really have to be specifically looking for a bright blue or green or colored tiki, no matter what heading you put on it. Good luck on your auctions. |