Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Swizzle Me This!
Post #384213 by Bora Boris on Mon, Jun 2, 2008 8:39 PM
Bora Boris
Mon, Jun 2, 2008 8:39 PM
It’s been a few days since I posted a pushy / demanding thread that is sure to be ignored in a couple of days but - Which Bars and Restaurants currently have Swizzles? Hopefully some of you know places that still have these things and maybe even places with their own unique design. Tiki or Non-Tiki it’s fine with me. There are a few places I know of already and because I know some of you don't like to read I will post pictures of those just to get them out of the way. This thread is NOT about ~ At Trader Vic’s you can still get swizzles and picks there but lately it’s been mostly picks. Forbidden Island in Alameda and The Conga Lounge in Oakland both have swizzles plus Forbidden Island has the awesome Combover comb. Oceanic Arts and Tiki Farm both have excellent swizzles. In Las Vegas it was pretty sparse the last time I was there. I really like the Peppermill stuff but the Bally’s and Paris swizzles are flimsy and disappointing. Then there are these generic things, which are better than nothing. Well the dragon is better than the nothing. So besides these what else is out there that’s good? |