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Tiki Central / Other Events / Kreepytiki friday the 13th Tiki block Party

Post #386148 by Bodotikiman on Tue, Jun 10, 2008 7:37 PM

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I wish you the best in your new project! As someone once said to me, "Sorry, nothing personal, its business" We might stop by and see the digs on the way to the main event of Hukilau after seeing The Cure. From Thursday morning to Monday afternoon my wallet will be sucked clean from the fallowing.....there is a point to this....

1.Airport Taxi.
2.Tip for cab driver.
3.Beer at the airport.
4.Beer on stupid Southwest.
5.Rental Car.
6.Beer at liquor store in FLA
7.Junk we have to buy because TSA will not let in on board and we refuse to check bags due to loosing them!
8.Cabs because I do not want a DWI
9.Aloha Pass at Hukilau
10. Ticketmaster
11. The Cure
Bars etc.
13.Tip for maid
14.Etc. Etc Etc
16. Hukilau Bazaar
17. Tips, Tips, Tips (I am in the service industry)

You get the point!
I am here to experience all of it and make new friends and maybe, just maybe, laugh a little!