Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Las Vegas Painting, Sleepover, Pool Party - NOW July 4th weekend!!!
Post #38931 by C.B. Howlie on Thu, Jun 12, 2003 10:49 PM
C.B. Howlie
Thu, Jun 12, 2003 10:49 PM
Sin City has beckoned us for a very long time... (I hear the sinner Hula Hula calling) and we finally broke down and bought a place there! It's a total fixer-upper, but only from neglect, not bad HomeDepotizing. It is an original owner 1957 little weeping morter brick ranch house. Futura Girl posted pictures, etc. here: We named it "El Ranchito" after the famous 1st Strip Casino "El Rancho" (Wayne McAllister, 1941) only 1/2 mile away. We're gonna do it up all 1950s style - and of course there will have to be some kind of tiki-ness involved! If there is anyone willing to be brave enough to withstand the Mid July heat of Vegas... we'll supply swanky tunes, pizzas, sodas, paint and brushes, central a.c., and a place on the floor to crash. So bring your swimsuit, airmattress and sleeping bag and maybe we'll see you there?EDITED: [ Edited by: C.B. Howlie on 2003-06-16 17:19 ] |