Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / The Birdman
Post #393540 by T_birdman on Sun, Jul 13, 2008 12:54 AM
Sun, Jul 13, 2008 12:54 AM
LOL! Dave, you funny! But not too far from right,I've been on 3 different pilots, 2 features, and recently on a show that spends 6 of 8 shooting days on location, so I've had my hands full and have reverted back to "LURKER" mode due to the need for sleep. Sorry for my absence, it's not for lack of wanting to go to the chops, more like trying to find a balance in work life, family time, carving and poker (not necessarily in that order, but close!). But just to show you I haven't been that much of a slacker, here are some I have in my lil guy stash box. And as a side note, I'll be trying to figure out if our shooting schedule will allow me to make it down for the Oasis, but can't make any promises. Anyway, I have been scanning through all the TC e-mails everyday, but haven't sent out any flowers because I use the "Columbus" method of typing (seek and find) which takes forever to try to reply to the sea of postings here, but rest assured, I'm lurking!! |