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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Snapshot of Don the Beachcomber Sign In Hawaii 1940s

Post #394934 by GatorRob on 07/18/2008

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GatorRob posted on 07/18/2008

On 2008-07-18 09:46, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
After having an experience like the folks in these photos are having, I can see why you'd want to re-visit that atmosphere again once you got home.

... which is now why, since most of us don't have a good local tiki establishment to go to, many of us bring that atmosphere into the home in the form of a home tiki bar. (My mind's on that because my back aches right now from construction of our home Palace du Tiki.)

Also notice in those photos there are no tattoos or multiple piercings! Not that there's anything wrong with that... :D