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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Snapshot of Don the Beachcomber Sign In Hawaii 1940s

Post #395336 by bigbrotiki on 07/21/2008

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bigbrotiki posted on 07/21/2008

On 2008-07-20 09:58, msteeln wrote:
Even the mats and floor sitting is a thing of the distant past. Not that we can't create those type's of moments today, but where oh where have those times gone?!

Sitting on the floor was informal and special and liberating for a generation that had strict table manners beaten into them by their parents (see Tiki Modern page 80). The young 60s generation did away with that strictness. These Luaus were a predecessor to the Hippies' "sit-ins" and "happenings" in the park. Now we all can sit anywhere we like, eat while we watch TV, and full family sit-down dinners are the exception...(not in all households, but more than in the 50s), so sitting on the floor has lost its kick.