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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Snapshot of Don the Beachcomber Sign In Hawaii 1940s

Post #395791 by Swanky on 07/22/2008

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Swanky posted on 07/22/2008

It is a good way to define it historically and in a time line. Making it all demarkated by the tiki icon.

Even that tropical decor was invented by someone back then, maybe Don. But as an "era" you would have to define it with the iconic tiki. On the menus, on the table, in the restaurants. It was at a height when the Tiki bar was. But even places without tikis in that era can be called tiki bars. I suppose there is a calculus of factors that make it tiki or simply tropical.

I'd bet there is a parallel to when tourists started bringing home mass produced tikis from Hawaii, though that may have follow the mainland as it did with many other island traditions.