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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / Amazing hanging Tiki Lamp by MidCentury Tiki on Ebay

Post #396139 by bananabobs on 07/24/2008

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bananabobs posted on 07/24/2008

On 2007-02-10 14:25, tikiace wrote:
Up for auction is this hand made one-of-a-kind hanging Tiki Light.
Beautifully designed and crafted by

Leonardo daVelvet for MidCentury Tiki.

Quality made out of bamboo, wood, reed and genuine Hawaiian fabric direct from the Kona coast.

MidCenturyTIKI is quality one of a kind, hand made items, true to the style of Polynesian pop in a classic yet 21st century style. “Witco meets Shag meets Z Gallerie” says noted tikiphile Chris Pedrin.

Truly created by people that “know” Tiki. About us.... MidCentury Tiki is a subsidiary of TIKI-ACE. MidCentury Tiki - Polynesian Pop furnishings & décor.

I find this interesting, first, cool lamp,
after that we part ways,

Leonardo daVelvet for MidCentury Tiki
Who? never heard of either, you have had 2 items listed in a year, but no other trace. No google on anything?!?

*...genuine Hawaiian fabric direct from the Kona coast. *
Really all the way from the KONA coast? Sure? Not from China or Vietnam?

  • Witco meets Shag meets Z Gallerie” says noted tikiphile Chris Pedrin. *
    Tikiphile? You mean Comic book expert right?

Truly created by people that “know” Tiki.
Would you elaborate on this a little? I'm a unclear on the "know" part. (Refer to Sven for clarification)

This lamp and the one you have listed now are very cool, why cheapen it with the three ring marketing hyperbole?
You ought to spend less time trying to be everything to everyone and just make some cool lamps, let us get to know you and go from there.

Leonardo daVelvet? serious?