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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Orange County Wine Connoisseurs-Meet Me At Hi-Time June 19

Post #39631 by weirduncletiki on Tue, Jun 17, 2003 10:43 AM

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Aloha, winos!
I'll be doing a special in-store appearance showing off my juice at Hi-Time Wine Cellars in Costa Mesa on Thursday June 19. This will be a special tasting of wines from three boutique Napa Valley wineries. The cost is $20 and you'll get 12 wines from California's finest. It all happens from 4:30 to 7(or 7:30). No reservations necessary, just come on in and start swirlin' and sippin'. Wear you finest aloha attire and I'll serenade you with a uke tune. Hi-Time is at 250 Ogle street in Costa Mesa 949-650-8463. Not only is this a chance to try some great wines, but also to stock up from their notoriously great selection of rums and mixers. Hope to see you there!

-Weird Unc

[ Edited by: weirduncletiki on 2003-06-17 10:46 ]