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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Snapshot of Don the Beachcomber Sign In Hawaii 1940s

Post #396434 by Limbo Lizard on 07/25/2008

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Limbo Lizard posted on 07/25/2008

So, was the genesis - or, at least, the proliferation - of "tiki" mugs (and their cousins - Fu Manchu, Hula Girl, et al.) largely as a take-home souvenir for the customer, do you think?
I don't recall the specialty mugs and glasses from visits to Trader Vic's (back in the day), so much as in Chinese restaurants. It seems that as the Poly Pop/Tiki places were in decline (1970's), their bar menus were adopted and lived on in Chinese restaurants, after a fashion. They used lots of fancy mugs, and mimicked the style of drink descriptions, but in unintentionally confused and hilarious "chinglish" (Suffering Barstard, Viscous Virgin).