Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / FYI: Tiki Poles, Pedestals, and Benches in at N.Hwd Home Depot
Post #396539 by Son-of-Kelbo on 07/25/2008
Sorry, no pix, but thought some the SFV & local Ohana might like to know I spotted a shipment of pretty nice (if a bit goofy, but then I like that kine stuff, don't I?) Tiki Poles, approx 4.5' - 5' high, Tiki Pedestals, approx. 1.5' - 2' high, and Tiki Benches, approx 4.5' wide, at the North Hollywood Home Depot on Sherman Way yesterday afternoon. Saw three benches, about half a dozen poles, and a trio of pedestals. Fun stuff -- the benches are supported by a pair of tikis holding the seat plank in their "teeth". I'd be happy to hear who carved 'em, if anybody knows... SOK |