Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Whaddaya call those Big Round Wicker Chairs?
Post #399531 by KreepyTiki on Wed, Aug 6, 2008 11:26 PM
Wed, Aug 6, 2008 11:26 PM
I have a question for the 'Ohana re. peacock chairs... I'd love to find one of these babies for "Paradise Cove" (my home lounge): This one was picked by a Florida TCer for an incredible $25.00 and is EXACTLY the size and style I'm looking for. Or something close to it, anyway. I live in L.A. and I've looked around for a while, but no luck. That is, until I spotted a recent posting on Craig's List. The only problem was the chair turned out to be GINORMOUS, with a whopping width of 51"! So, not only will that NOT fit in my little Suzuki hatch-back (it's actually wider than my CAR!), but it won't fit in the limited space of my lounge either. What I really need, therefore, is a peacock chair with a maximum width of no more than 30" inches or so. Any ideas out there re. where I might specifically look for such an item here in the L.A. area for a reasonable price (i.e., no more than $125.00 or so)? For instance, do you know of any big thrift stores that specialize in furniture? There IS a Florida-based company I came across called Rattan Shack which charges about what I want to spend for the chair itself, then an extra $25.00 for a cushion with custom fabric of my choice (all very reasonable), and just an additional $50.00 for shipping. So, about $200.00 for everything, AND the dimensions are also just about perfect for the limited space of my lounge. BUT, naturally, if I could find a similar chair -- USED -- for a price a bit closer to the $25.00 paid by that lucky TCer, I'd be a happy camper indeed! And, finally, if any of you L.A. area based TCers happen to have one of those (not gigantic) chairs lying around which you'd like to get rid of, PLEASE let me know! Cheers and Mahalos! :drink: :tiki: |