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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Tiki Hut in Afghanistan...

Post #408645 by Brad 'The Beachcomber' Owens on Thu, Sep 18, 2008 4:24 PM

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Aloha Gang,

It has been a long time since I posted anything but this thread caught my eye having been deployed twice myself.

It was while I was in Kuwait waiting for the Iraq War to begin that I hatched the idea to open Hale Tiki when I got home.

While I was there and just getting the Tiki bug a very close friend of mine at the time, Dave Wolfe (AKA Basement Kahuna), turned me on to this website. WOW! Its hard to beleive it has been over five years ago since all that started.

Dave sent me several amazing care packages. One included mini bottles hidden inside of several VERY funny disguises. My favorite was the KY Jelly tube he cut open, slipped in a minibottle of rum and resealed in the cardboard box! Plus he shipped me some country ham (big no-no) and porn. Dave was ever the raiser of morale around my platoon.

We set up a mini Tiki Bar in one of the living quarters that was handed over to me by a civillian contractor who moved on up to Baghdad and didn't want to turn over his semi-private room to some jackassed officer to live in when we were living like cattle and had no place to stash our contraband.

We turned it into a secret party place, complete with ice buckets and a full bar.

I had my sweetheart at the time ship one gallon of light rum and one gallon of dark (Ronrico to be exact) and I told her to not try to hide it, just throw it in some packing peanuts and let her rip.

Dave also put the word out on here, in a thread like this one, and I received all the things I needed to have a 'Doha' Mai Tai in style. TC members sent us mugs, umbrellas, swizzle sticks, an expert mixing set with shaker and strainer, and assorted tiki items.

By the way, the 'Doha' Mai Tai consisted of lime juice, aumond extract, light and dark rum, a stick of Wrigleys mint chewing gum, and chunked pineapple over cracked ice in a Wal-Mart plastic double old fashioned glass. The food stuffs was all from the mess hall or PX (except the rum). It wasn't Trader Vic's but we had to make a few concessions for the war effort when it came to libations.

Anyway, I suggest that folks send some masks, a nautical flag or two, misc carvings, a net floats, plastic tiki mugs (if Target still sells them), REAL mugs (Holden, Bro of Bros, at Tiki Farm sent us a set of Trader Vic Suffering Bastard Mugs), swizzle sticks, paper umbrellas, and quality reading material. Any ramdom tiki decor would help I'm sure.

The Post Masters deal with so much mail that they cannot 'X-Ray' or open ever package (that is a myth spread by the commanders to discourage contraband) so if you develope pen pal relationships with some of these guys, don't be afraid to ship out the 'good stuff'.

Good thread,

Brad 'The Beachcomber' Owens
Freetown Sierra Leone