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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / New Hampshire Craigslist - Bamboo Poles (if you need em)

Post #410115 by jpmartdog on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 7:04 AM

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Found this listing on NH Craigslists. It's not mine, but I sure wish I had some place to store this cache of construction sized bamboo. It's a great deal - if you are a local New England Ohana. Hard to score bamboo around here!

The body copy:

[quoted from craigslist listing}
"I have over $1000 worth of Yellow Bamboo Poles. It was purchased to create a theatrical set. I have been holding onto it thinking that I would eventually build a Tiki Lounge in my house!

But, I am moving and need to find a home for all of this bamboo.

They are thick, 4" diameter yellow bamboo poles.

There are 7 lengths at around 11 feet.

There are 8 lengths ar around 6 feet.

I will also include a ladder made of Iron Bamboo. (white, solid poles) The ladder is very durable, built with carriage bolts and wrapped in jute.

I also have several thin bamboo blinds (from the Christmas Tree Shoppe). They are very thin, reed-like brown bamboo. Very nice.

I also have seagrass matting. I am not sure of the condition of these but they look good. I would have to unroll the stock to check the status.

All have been stored in my barn. All in great shape.

Everything here, $400. (If you need or want bamboo, this is an amazing price. One 12 foot length of 4" yellow bamboo sells for $122.00 I did get a discount by buying 12 poles... but they still came out to around $96.00 each.

You must pick up in Rochester ASAP. My house closes the first week of Oct.
