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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Tiki transporter....Beam me up !!!!

Post #410548 by twitch on Sun, Sep 28, 2008 7:28 PM

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I must've caught it from my dad.
He turned basically most of the basement of the house into a bar, dedicated to his favorite beer - Old Style (the Canadian one, first produced by Sicks and then Molson, before the name change from OS to Pilsner).
He spent a hell of a lotta time building the thing over the years with ephemera and knick-knacks covering everything, and everyone who visited was impressed and couldn't help themselves from all the eye-candy covering the walls and pointing out weird stuff or memories from the past.
The years I lived at home I couldn't really get why he spent that much time on it, but yeah - after years of doing others' bidding being a wage-slave, paying bills and coming home wired yet exhausted - oh, I get it now.

Currently revamping the entire bar & the area around it, so that's a job in itself. However, it's a FUN one and I actually look forward to the work; just building it, tearing something apart to make it better, adding stuff - all an escape in itself. Hopefully I can get to the point where I can 'disappear' into it when it's all done (well, ya know what I mean - they're never really done).