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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Post #424333 by Bay Park Buzzy on Tue, Dec 16, 2008 9:05 PM

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The rain stopped and it dried out enough to work on the tall drum today

I started to hollow it out because it's just too damn heavy to work with right now:

In other Tiki news, all my crap came out of the kiln just fine

Click here to see it all

In case you are too lazy to click the link and look at it all, I'll include the best parts here

My favorite piece:

Here are all the pendants:

And here is a special Director's Cut bonus behind the scenes look at the early sketches I did for a couple of them:

More sketches and the pieces that came from them:

I'd like to thank all of you guys who sent me well wishes when Kiva got sick a couple weeks back. I got some really good news today that I'd like to pass on to those of you who care. The recheck by the lab they did yesterday showed that what they initially thought was terminal liver and stomach cancer, turned out to be a severe infection that has totally disappeared with the antibiotics she has been on. The doggy doc says all her levels are now within the normal and acceptable range for a dog her age. She still has tumors, but they are not affecting the function of her organs right now as they initially thought.

Looks like me and my old dog and I will still have some more good times ahead of us. Hooray!

On 2008-12-13 08:27, TheBigT wrote:
So where do you get the hide for your drums?

Hey BigT: I got my hide at Tandy Leather. There's one close to me, but they are also online. It's a big chain.

This place has a whole bunch of weird hides like elk, goat, steer, and bear
Centralia Fur and Hide

I'm going to go give my dog a hug now.
Buzzy Out!