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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / The Aluminum Christmas tree. Love it or hate it? Now with Color Wheels!!!

Post #427423 by Unkle John on 01/06/2009

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Unkle John posted on 01/06/2009

On 2007-11-21 18:55, Unkle John wrote:
Want to buy Aluminum (PVC) Tree with light for $30 brand new?


We got ours in the mail today and with a few minor adjustments to the pole, it's going to set up great! I was going to post about it when we found and ordered it, but I forgot we did that until it arrived today. But none the less, this is a great deal for someone like us who are on a budget, or someone who hasn't had the luck at getting an antique tree.

here is said tree (I thought I posted some last year, huh)

some of our neighbors saw it and when they saw us in town asked us about it. I think we are starting a trend!